![]() Have you ever imagined yourself living in a fortress surrounded by moats, steep walls, guarded by outposts and fortified with farms, water, and supplies in case of a seige? Well, maybe the castle part but skip the siege! The Romantic Road as it is called, is based loosely on an old Roman route. Post WWII Germany was desperate to rebuild a tourism industry and decided to make route this into a destination. It’s not hard to see the reason for the popularity - it combines historic cities, medieval walled towns, rolling countryside, forests and ends at the foothills of the Alps with the famous Neuschwanstein Castle. There is a bike path along the whole route that meanders away from the main highways through fields, forests, country roads, and pathways. So listen in, look at photos, take a first hand tour of this area from our travel perspective. ![]() First of All, this is an enormous wind turbine in Southern Germany. This country is utilizing many solar and wind solutions for its electric needs. To gauge how big this is: 1) Find the TINY blip in this picture inside the red circle 2) Say to yourself, "OMG that is tall" (Photo was taken about 1/4 mile away in order to get this huge tower in the picture - located in Bavaria between Uffenheim and Rothenburg along the bike journey) Watch the the rolling hills and hear the cowbells in this video! The podcast audio file below is a summary of each day's travel and adventures. Subscribe to this and other podcasts by clicking on this iTunes link. ![]()
Enormous wind turbine. Note the very first small bump to the left of the tower, that is Ann on her bike! Runaway Train - Out of Control!![]() "Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘‘the buck stops here.’’ Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better." I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America’s debt limit. It appears that once you get elected president, that your beliefs of what is detrimental to the USA society can change - drastically. Listen to an impassioned speech delivered in 2006 by the current president insisting that increasing the federal deficit was a drastic and irresponsible mistake. You may READ the entire text of the Congressional Record by clicking this link S2238 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 16, 2006 ![]()
![]() It all starts with... "Vote for me and I'll make sure the government provides you more free stuff than my opposition." From Mike Maloney's 'Hidden Secrets of Money-Episode 4 Shown Below Questions: It's incredible and hard to grasp that the central banking system is probably not understood by most elected officials. Congress borrows money for all kinds of projects without the moral concern for generations of future indebtedness. |
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German Wording Frank Winfield Woolworth, geboren in Rodman im Staate New York, USA, gilt als Pionier in der Entwicklung des Einzelhandels. Sein Konzept des Einheitspreissystems (alle Artikel kosteten fünf oder zehn Cent) machten Woolworth, ausgehend von den USA, zum größten Kaufhaus-Filialunternehmen weltweit. Die "öffentliche Warenpräsentation", also das Auslegen von Ware auf Tischen, damit Kunden diese direkt anfassen und prüfen konnten, revolutionierte den Handel. Von der Eröffnung des ersten Woolworth-Kaufhauses im Jahre 1879 bis zum Jahr 1916 gelang es Frank Winfield Woolworth, dass aufgrund seines dichten Kaufhaus-Filialnetzes jede Stadt in den USA mit über 8000 Einwohnern ein Woolworth-Kaufhaus besitzt. Bereits im Januar 1918 eröffnete das 1000. Woolworth-Kaufhaus in der Fifth Avenue in New York. | English Translation from Bing Translator Frank Winfield Woolworth, born in Rodman in the State of New York, United States, is a pioneer in the development of the retail. (All items cost five or ten cents) Woolworth, originating from the United States, made his concept of the system of unit prices to the largest department store companies worldwide. The "public presentation", so the spreading of goods on tables, so that customers could touch them and check, revolutionized trading. From the opening of the first Woolworth department store in 1879 to the year 1916 succeeded Frank Winfield Woolworth, that every city in the United States due to its dense department store branch network has a Woolworth department store with over 8000 inhabitants. Already in January 1918, the 1000th Woolworth department store at fifth opened Avenue in New York. |
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